Sunday, January 9, 2011

Plans For a First Blog

Well here it is, my first blog. Now all I have to do is think of something to write. It shouldn't be that hard really, I have lots of interests, namely anything that can be passed up as sport. Particularly darts, I was watching the other day, triple twenties galore, the fans loved it. Now what was I saying? Oh yeah, a blog topic. Well, hmm I could write about the state of Australian politics, but nobody wants to read about that online right? Am I right?

I suppose this whole blog thing is harder that I thought, namely because I thought it simply required writing whatever comes to mind, and that is not working out for me right now. Or is it? But seriously, if you are reading this, I'm Josh Barnes, I am 16 and I am working hard to create a blog here that is worth reading. So stay tuned. Thanks.

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