Sunday, February 6, 2011

The slice of fortune

I'm a gonna let you finish, but my mother makes the most delicious vanilla slice of all time. Of all time. Not that I like to brag on behalf of other people, but it is quite brilliant. The pink icing on top, is as much about presentation as taste, although it is rather sweet. Underneath the icing is a layer of biscuit, which leads the teeth into the best part. The vanilla custard is what i imagine heaven to be like. Soft, delicious, light and delicious. I think it is delicious. The slice is finished with another layer of biscuit, helping for holding.

It is fair to say the mouth watering slice is magnificent. Glorious, majestic, beautiful, wonderful, good, nice, terrific, never better and perfect. I like to think the slice was modelled after me, with it's dashing good looks and fantastic personality. In fact, I know it was modelled after me, because everybody loves it so much. Particularly the ladies. Therefore the slice is just so good that I cannot forget it, the slice is much like a Paul Chapman football performance. It takes no nonsense, it delivers on a regular basis, and it is a champion. But really, it is just a slice.

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